St. Barnabas is an Episcopal Church and part of the Anglican Communion. This means we are both sacramental and mission oriented. We are a Total Ministry, or Ministry of All the Baptized, congregation, where all are encouraged to participate as each is called by God to do. This means some are called to help with worship, music, teaching, pastoral care, hospitality, greeting, ushering, intercession (prayers), altar guild duties or reading in addition to ordained ministry. And that‘s just inside the building!
Our ministry support team includes Fr. Bill Stech, Priest; Amma Marion VanLoo, Priest; Nancy Scott, commissioned to pastoral care and hospitality and Kathy O'Connell, commissioned Christian education coordinator and administrator. Read more about our team.
Our regular Sunday worship service begins at 10:00 a.m. We offer Zoom connection for those who prefer to join in worship online. To log in to the Zoom, use the "Worship with us!" link at the top of the website. Choose the date of the service you wish to attend, and open the link to the service bulletin. The Zoom link is at the top of the page.
We use the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. For your convenience, we use easy-to-follow printed bulletins. Our music is wide-ranging, from traditional hymns to contemporary praise choruses. During our service feel free to stand, sit or kneel as you are able. We take an offering, which helps support the church and our outreach to the community, but on your first visit, please don't feel you need to give anything. You're our guest. Later, if you return and would like to support Christ's ministry here, then give as you are able. We hope you will find in our service a renewed certainty that God has visited His people.
The liturgy of The Episcopal Church is Bible-based and has a rich and beautiful tradition—all meant to express worship and adoration of God through Jesus Christ. We celebrate many seasons during the church year, all centered around the life of Jesus. Visit our liturgy page for more details on our form of worship, its elements, tradition and meaning.
We welcome you!
Our liturgy and readings remind us that the Son of God, born into this world, is more than an idea or a philosophy. It is the coming of God to be one of us, and to join His divine life to our humanity, thus joining things earthly and things heavenly into one new life. We know that it is in Christ’s birth, death and resurrection that the deepest and best hopes of humankind are met. That life and hope is ours to share with God, with each other and with the entire world.
We believe God is with us, and in us. We work to further God's mission in the world by
- Caring for the poor and hungry
- Welcoming and affirming all people, including LGBT people, as full participants in the body of Christ and the life of the church
- Seeking and serving Christ in all persons, regardless of their station in life
- Striving for justice and peace among all people
We recognize that as we grow spiritually and in number, our ministries will also grow and change, and that we will hopefully become stronger and better agents for change in this broken world. Is God calling you to ministry? Something on this list? Or perhaps something else? Get in touch with us. We are here to help you on your spiritual path.
Because we see faith as a journey, we invite you to come with us and be a part of it. God invites everyone everywhere into his world and so do we. We believe that Jesus calls his church to be a compelling force for good in the world and that we have been created to be a part of something larger than ourselves.
If you think God is calling you to be part of a community that is trying to make a difference in our world, that wishes to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ, but doesn’t presume to have all the answers, come and journey with us!
How to get here
We are located at 20500 West Old US 12 in Chelsea, Michigan. Here's a Google map. Use this link to get directions from wherever you are. Our phone number is 734.475.8818.
Communion, or Eucharist, is a wonderful and holy mystery that we all partake in as the body of Christ. All are welcome to come forward and receive communion. We come to the altar because, as God gives Himself to us, we respond by coming to Him and receiving Him.
You will be offered the Host (wafer) and also the cup. You may choose to dip the wafer lightly in the wine when the cup is offered and then consume it. We offer both wine and consecrated grape juice; please let the server know if you prefer the grape juice. If you are not sure about whether to receive communion, we still encourage you to participate with us. Simply cross your arms across your chest and the priest will bless you.
We strive to make our church and altar area fully accessible. You can receive Communion either kneeling or standing at the rail. However, if you need to have communion brought to you in your seat, please let an usher know.
We welcome children
We have a children's corner in the back pew with stuffed animals, lectionary coloring pages and crayons. The children may also borrow these items during the service and sit with their families if that's more comfortable.
During communion, we offer both grape juice and wine. The children can partake of either. We can arrange this before service; please see Kathy O'Connell.